Senin, 09 April 2012

Meeting a star
On Saturday morning at 9:30, I was walking down Sunda Street, looking for a record store. A man stopped me and asked me the way to the Hyatt Hotel. I wasn't sure exactly where it was, but I walked with him to the end of Sunda Street. He was very friendly, and his face looked so familiar. Then I remembered where the Hyatt was and told him how to get there. He thanked me and tried to give me something. I thought it was money. I said 'no' at first, but he really wanted me to have it, so I took it.

I found the record store and listened to a few records. D' Masive had a new record that was number two in the top twenty. I decided to buy it. I looked in my bag for my wallet and found a piece of paper the man gave me. It was a photo. I was so surprised! He was a singer in D' Masive!

Rabu, 04 April 2012

How to overcome nervousness

1.     Be prepared.
 If you have a presentation then study your notes and what you are about to say carefully before stepping up on stage. Doing this carefully and meticulously can remove a lot of nervousness. It may not always be fun. But being well prepared can be helpful not only to remove nervousness but also to ace the presentation or get the job.
2.     Ask yourself: What is the worst that could happen?
What is really the worst that could happen? How will it affect you in the long run? In many cases you’ll find that the answer boils down to: not really that much. It’s easy to get too wrapped up in what is about to happen and magnify the event and possible consequences in your mind until it seems like it’s a matter of life and death. It seldom is. Asking a few simple questions can put things into a healthier perspective and calm you down.
3.     Take 30 belly breaths.
.           Here’s how you go about it:
§  Sit in a relaxing position with your legs apart.
§  Put your hands on your stomach. Using your stomach breathe in slowly through your nose. If you are doing it right your stomach will expand and you’ll feel it with your hands.
§  Breathe out slowly through your nose and do it with some force so you feel your stomach pull slightly inwards towards your spine.
§  Breathe in and out 30 times. Take slow and deep breaths.
§  After you have taken 30 breaths and focused on counting them you should not only feel more relaxed and centred. Your body will also be able to continue breathing in this manner without you focusing on it. And that’s it. Continue with your normal day.
Taking some deeper breaths with your belly can also be useful if you start to feel nervous or unfocused during your interview/presentation/meeting.
4.     Visualize in a positive way.
Much of our time is spent habitually visualizing what may go wrong in a future situation. This can, of course, create a lot of nervousness. It can also give you the results you imagined – or feared – through self-fulfilling prophecies. If you think you’ll fail, then you are making it a whole lot harder for yourself to succeed.
5.     Practise, practise, practise.
The more you practise, take action and put yourself in situations that may make you nervous the more confident you become. You have been there before, you know pretty much what will happen. So you feel more and more comfortable and less nervous.
6.     Realize that people don’t care that much about what you do.
One big source of nervousness is focusing too much on what people will think of you. And thinking that their criticism is always about you.
But people don’t think that much about what you do. You keep much of your attention from day to day on your problems, challenges and triumphs. And that’s exactly what the next guy/girl is doing too.
7.     Stay in the present moment.
This one ties into the one about belly breathing. When you take those deep, powerful breaths and focus on doing that your mind seems to silence. Your projections of what may happen at the meeting or job interview die out. Nervousness comes from these negative projections of what may happen sometime in the future. Or from what happened in the past, perhaps from the last time you had a meeting or an interview. When you instead focus your attention on what’s happening now, now and… now the nervousness dies out too.

Selasa, 03 April 2012

The Pink Panther 2

Directed by Harald Zwart
Reviewed by Hayatul Husna

            The Pink Panther 2 is an American comedy film directed by Harald Zward. This film takes place at the Vatican church, France, and America. The main character is Inspector Jacques Clouseau. He is a police officer and he usually takes other job from his superior as a detective. In this movie he keeps the pink panther when the thief whose tornado is coming. Tornado steals the historical things in many countries. That is why clouseau asked to keep the pink panther.
            Now, he teams up with a squad of International detectives who are just as bumbling as he is. They are Closeau, Inspector Pepperidge (Great Britain), Vicenzo (Italy), Kenji (an electronics specialist from Japan), and Sonia (Aishwarya Rai) (a researcher and criminology expert from India) Their mission: stop a globe-trotting thief who specializes in stealing historical artifacts. They plane to go to France to solve the case but clouseau refuse it. He said that the tornado is here so, I don’t need to go to France. But his superior does not care, he asked clouseau to go. Clouseau takes to go to airport with his partner Ponton. When he wants to leave suddenly he saw the news that the pink panther has been stolen too.
            The dream team began to solve the case by going to go to Rome to investigate Alonso Avellaneda who has a deal with tornado to claim his self to be a tornado. Nicole, the girl who loved by clouseau also comes with this investigation. At least he luckily lies to the dream team, in this investigation clouseau know that the real tornado is there but nobody believe him. They decide to continue the investigation in the night. When clouseau wants to solve the case by doing spy in a restaurant, unfortunately he looks Nicole having date with the man who joins dream team. Clouseau feels jealous he decides to stop the spying. He tries to separate Nicole and the man. At least he does the same thing like 3 months ago. The restaurant is burning done again.
            At the same time tornado steals pope’s ring in the Vatican church. In solving this case clouseau makes the foolish thing in the Vatican. People claim him as an idiot. And he is voted off from the team, no body care about that but Sonia does. Shortly, clouseau called to the office where he saw the tornado was killed himself. The dream team claim that tornado died by checking DNA. In that place is found the historical artifact that has been stolen by tornado but the pink panther not found. Tornado wrote the letter that he wants to keep pink panther because he likes it.
            In short, this movie is very good to watch. The combination of comedy, love, and adventure make it more interesting. So who is the real tornado? Does clouseau found him? What about Nicole? Will she comes back to clouseau? Watch it. 

One week at home

After final examination of 3rd semester I spend about 1 week at my home. Having a short refreshing, I think I am kind of couch potato. I have no much duty at home I don’t know what I should do. Just watching, listening the music, eating, yeah just it when I in active day at college there are so many things that I done by me, And I have so many things too to fill my free time. I spent much meal at home. Meanwhile at the rent house sometimes I become a famine, there is no meal to eat at all.
Not only that I will talk to you, my brother Muhammad Yusuf who sit in 1st grade at primary school always make me happy and he like making smile at my lips.

Corporal Punishment in Education

            Corporal punishment is the physical punishment by hitting, kicking and many others. In education this punishment is given to the student who does not obey the discipline. Nowadays most of the teachers give the corporal punishment for the student. This punishment is not good to be applied in education. It can cause many negatives effects; it can be explained by the following reasons.
            Corporal punishment can lower a child’s IQ. A study at the University of New Hampshire, released in 1998, found that corporal punishment apparently slows down their intellectual development. That is why this punishment is not good in education. The student who has high IQ and clever may become lower IQ and stupid student, there are too many student who can not increased their IQ because of this punishment. It also can hamper their creativity and imagination.
Corporal punishment can cause serious physical damage. We can find much news in the mass media that talk the about the student needing treatment for broken arm or injures on their skin. In this case we can conclude that the student is not safe with this punishment, in Washington sometimes the teacher hit or kick the student on their sex organ. So, this case is under human right, it doesn’t solve the problem but make new problems.
On the other hand, Walter William said that corporal punishment is a good tool for disciplining students.  Nowadays there are criminals done by the student in the school and out of school. This punishment is the wider solution to solve it, the student can not prevented by speaking and the other punishment. Corporal punishment can make the student afraid to do the mistake, it can be more effective.
              The second opponent is the corporal punishment can help save a child’s future. Oscar Goodman said “I also believe in a little bit of corporal punishment going back to the days of yore, where examples have to be shown.” For example the student who gets this punishment in the school she or he will not break the discipline but obey the discipline. The discipline student will be the success people in the future.
In short, corporal punishment is not good for student. Corporal punishment can help to save child’s future and it a good tool to discipline the student. Those are not good reasons for corporal punishment allowed to be applied in education. There are many ways to make the student discipline. Children do not need hitting but they need advising and motivation. The other way is by giving them the good example in their daily.

State university of Padang

            State University of Padang is the big university in Sumatra. It was built in 1954 before it named UNP it was IKIP Padang, Its mean UNP is become better and better year-to-year. Now UNP is one of most wanted university in Indonesia. The number of student who wants to study in UNP is increasing every year. Mr. Mawardi Z. Efendi said that in 2000 the total of UNP’s student are only 9000 persons and in 2011 the student of UNP increased to 35.000 persons.
            Students who studies in UNP are very intelligent people, survey in 2011 from 100 students it just taken 5 students. Some student said that studying in UNP is one of the prides; it’s not easy to study in UNP. In many competitions UNP is always being the winner for example, last year UNP got the winner in mathematic competition in Indonesia, also many student of UNP are invited to study abroad like, Salam Mairi the student of English department in UNP who is invited to study in Canada, and there are so many achievements that UNP have.
            UNP has seven faculties, FMIPA, FBS, FIK, FIS, FE, FIP, and FT. there are many achievements in each faculty. It has libraries, central library which located in front of FMIPA and the libraries in each faculty. It also has policlinic, BAAK, bank nagari, bank BRI, and next to bank BNI. In its administration use online system such as KRS online where student take their courses by log in this, paying the school fee it use system online too.
            Mr. Mawardi Z. Efendi said that in 18 latter the building of UNP will be changed to better building. Its mean UNP will become better than before. And the number of students who want to study in UNP will be increased more. The miniature of the buildings have been shown since 6 months ago, it          seem very elegant and better.
            In short, UNP which located in air tawar barat, Padang is getting better every year such as the number of the student, the quality of building, the ADM system, and in the other aspect. May be someday UNP will become the most wanted university in the world.

my self

            My name is Hayatul Husna, I was born on Sunday July 26th, 1992. I come from a small family which lives in Paninggahan, Solok Regency. I have two sisters and one brother their names are Riska Mulyani, Suhervina, and Muhammad Yusuf. My sisters are studying in secondary school and my brother is studying in primary school. My mother is a housewife and my father is seller. Talking about myself, there are so many things that I will talk.
            Talking about my education, now I am studying in state university of Padang. I am majoring in English education. In 1998 -2004 I was studied at elementary school in my hometown SDN 03 Paninggahan, after that I was continued my study to Diniyyah boarding school in Bukittinggi for six years. In the middle of 2010 I graduated from there and I continue my study to state university of Padang until this time and I plan to be graduated from this university at the end of 2014 and I hope I can study at Ohio University to take master degree.
            Now let us talk about my appearance, I am 152 cm high and 96 ponds weigh. I have black eyes, brown skin, pointed nose; I always wear the veil, long shirt or T-shirt, and long skirt. I love to use back pack and flat shoes. I really don’t like to be messy; I am kind of tidy person in my appearance and everything in my life. My blood type is A, in science about blood is who has blood type A that means she or he very organized.
            Listening to music is one of my hobbies, I am a moody person but in listening music I never feel boring.  I like to do everything when I am in good mood, sometimes I get hot tempered to everyone when I am in bad mood. If I have a problem that makes me a little stress, I like to eat to lose my stress. Talking about eating and food I am a unique person who does not like to eat vegetables and fruits, it seems like my enemy, but now I am trying to love them. Another hobby is travelling, making a new friend, and hiking. I’ve made many achievements in hiking since 2004-2010, but now I leave it for many reasons.
            In short, I am not a very perfect person at all; I have many achievements also many weaknesses. But I never claimed myself is a bad person, I just try to be a good person in my life. I try to do everything as good as I can and try to be a pride of my family, my country, and my religion. That is it about me.


telor brontak

before i talk to you about my story. i want to ask you. do you know what is telor brontak?
.... hmm this is kind of a fried food. my beloved soul mate bought it for me. when i taste  it, hmm it very delicious.. do you want to taste it?
just go to jalan bangau at air twar barat.


this is my cousin's wedding day, it must be happy day, but you know what? this is a very terrible day for me, i got a very hard headache that i ever feel. i can focus, i just lie on my bed, and do not care more about the guest. what a poor am i.

in the next two hours i got up from my bed and take my cell phone, some one messaged me. he is ryanto my friend when i was in senior high school. he said that he is in my hometown and he want to visit my home, i really surprised and happy. i answer his message, ''yes sure, i am waiting.

in conclusion this is a complicated day.

Senin, 02 April 2012

go home for wedding

my phone is ringing, i take it and it a call from my cousin. happily i answer the phone and say '' assalamu'alaikum'' shortly in our conversation is about her wedding in the following two days. she asked to go home and accompany her when she become a bride i said to he '' sure '' i will cancel all my schedule and come for you. in the next day, earlier i woke up and prepare to go home. i come for you my cousin.

you know guys, I love her very much , she do not have a mother and sister again, so i can feel that she is very sad if there is no body accompany her in her wedding day.

job division

in the following day, after solving the cases, we talked about job division, in UNP we have 7 faculties they are FBS, FIK, FMIPA, FIP, FIS, FE, and FT and 5 branches of faculty in lubuak buayo is branch of FT, limau manis is the branch of FIP, bandar buat, bukittinggi are also branch of FIP, and the last branch is in sawahluntho that is branch of FT. in this job division i was put in bukittinggi, its mean i have to absent from my class. but it does not matter for me. ^::^

being a member of panwaslu

actually  i am one of members panwaslu for general election BEM UNP 2012. we have unscheduled meeting. if the case happened in the morning so, we have to held the meeting at that time. being one of panwaslu is not my willing, but i can not refuse the request from my leader in BPM FBS. you know guys? it very heavy to be. we have to solve the cases that happened in general election period. so, today is a very busy day, i have to solve two cases which are happened yesterday and this afternoon.

talking about solving the cases its very nice and challenging, the reporter who report the cases is very temperamental, so in this time i have chance to show up that i can be a wise girl and solve the case fairly.

Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

first time take a bus to padang

actually when i want to go home and come back to padang  i just ride a small public transportation its called travel. this time i take a mini bus to go to padang. my father forbid me to do that, but i have many reasons to do it. i told to him " i just want to find a new experience" with a heavy heart he let me take the mini bus. when i want to go i shake my parents hand and kiss them. when i shake my father's hand he just look in to my eyes with a sad face and confuse. i just tell him " i will alright and i will inform you when i arrived in padang.


i am home alone, everybody has their own activity. my two sisters and my only brother went to the school in the earlier morning. and my parents went to work. its 8.00 am now i feel the time is very boring i do not know what i am going to do. i walk around the room and kitchen . at least i saw a bottle of ketchup and the bright idea come to my mind , i want to cook. i cook potato crop with that ketchup. hmm yummi..

went home (pulang kampung)

actually i don't plan to go home . i have a lot of assignment to do, but last evening my mom called  me, and asked me to go home she said that everyone miss me especially my father. suddenly my tears go out from my eyes and i cried. i just remembered my father. and this friday i decided to go home. at 5.30 a arrived in my beloved home the first person that i looked for is my papa . i hug and kiss him and said " I MISS YOU"

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

thursday, fasting day

this thursday i fast sunnah with my friends, like usually i just spend my time in campus to tend my subject and join RYU SEKAI from FKPWI. i do not why , at the time my i thought in my mind that i want to asked my friend to break fast in sari bundo, in fact all of my friend agree with that statement, nearly azan magrib we go to sari bundo, and have our break fast there. unfortunately i met my lovely uncle , we do long conversation and you know what? i get rp 100.000 from him,, hihihi lucky day.


last wednesday i miss reading class,3 SKS because of the rain that very terrible for me, in the earlier morning there is no rain , when i want to step my foot to my lovely campus suddenly the rain fall, oh its very terrible and the most important thing in the raining day is an umbrella and some one just lost it. i feel really dissapointed because i cant continiou my step to go to kampus, i just turn back and playing game in my bedroom with a sad heart. 

free dinner with an earth quake

last tuesday i stay in my purple campus from 8.50 until 5.00 pm . when i do sholat zuhur, my friend whose name nana call me, and asked to go to tabing, she want to treat me for eating dinner. i agree and i said i love to. in my mind '' hoho i 'll get free dinner this evening. we ate at ayam lepas tabing. when i am eating my meal, something happen , it really make me surprise, the earth quake happen with 5,3 SR. i really afraid and i do not know whta to do, at least i just a little cry, and try to make my self safe.

this is my turn

last monday i have advance listening class, usually in this class we do many exercise and then the lecturer will choose one of the members of class to present a video in front of class and after that the one who present explain to us. foe last three week all the speaker present about health and ill problem, most of us do not understand about that, so for last monday my lecturer asked a person who has a video from social science, and i rise my, in my mind talk that "this is my turn" at least my video is clear enough and i don't need to explain it again. i thing it is not bad. i feel satisfied then.

Senin, 05 Maret 2012

angry day

actually i dont have any time to do my homework thiss week, and i plan to do it on sunday, but you know what, at 10.00 pm suddenly my cellphone rang  sms from my leader ilham who studies in FMIPA . he is leader of panwaslu for general election of next BEM UNP . in that sms wrote that will held the meeting on sunday at 1.00 pm. i come to join the meeting at 1.10 pm ,you know what there many people there but the meeting did not start yet, and i just wait and wait. actually i really bored to stay there without anyting to do. i have wait until 2.30 pm ,but the meeting did not began too. and at least i talk to the leader that i have a meeting to at 3.00 pm, in fact i don not have. i just to make them appreciate my time, they waste my time for about 90 minutes.
when i step my foot to go out they worry, they said that " if you go , the meeting will end" so i said "it is up to you , i have another schedule.

graduation's committee

this saturday is graduation day for a thousand student in state university of Padang from 7 faculties. hoho, i am one of the committee of this agenda. you know what an amazing agenda is it, and actually this my first time to attend this graduation ceremony. hohohoh feel like this day is my graduation day.
i am also waiting for, and hope it will come as soon as possible..


on friday i woke up like usually at 5.15 am to do pray subuh, and do many things like i do every morning. and prepare my self to go to campus, on this friday we have aticate with miss ning in teater tertutup. the end of eticate is at 9.00 am , a half hour after that i have a morphology and syntax class untill pray 12.20pm after that i step my food to secretariat of BPM . and in the evening i go to visit my friend who got paver a day before.  taht is my activity this friday. and i arrived at my lovely rent house at 7.30pm

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

no lecturer

actually this thursday i have structure and public speaking class, i have prepare my self for those two classes , but you know what? nobody of my lecturer comes to attend the class, i just turn back to my rent house. and do another thing for my friday. :)

Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

wednesday wet

rain rain go away, coming in another day , husna wants to lecture, rain rain go away
the weather this wednesday is rainy, it very unconvinient, you know what i have to lecture in gedung B it is far away in north of UNP. oooh i plane not to attend the class, but my friend asked to attend it. i go to in front of fbs building and wait for an oplet  and i come to the class with a very wet cloth. and one thing that make me a little hot tempered is, my lecture does not come to the class.
ooh my goodness i want to yelled loudly. but it is not good right?
just try to be SABAR.

i am so sorry

i tend to be a good friend, but today i am not, today is my beloved friend b'day i don't prepare anything for her bacause i have a lot of activity to do, i just say congratulation by sending an sms. i know that she feel very disappointed to me. i am so sorry honey ,i can attend by your side in your special day.

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

love ukhuwah

 every monday i have writing and listening class untill 16.50 pm, after that i have a meeting, and the sad one is i don't have my meal from morning until this afternoon, i really feel hungry. when meeting end, i planned to go home, but i remember one thing that this day is my friend's b'day. i try to make a plane in short time , and i asked my two friends mella and anna to buy a cake and make a surprise for rahmi, shortly we come to her rent house with two new mwmbers rini and azi, what a surprise rahmi, and at that time i realized the power of ukhuwah.
we give hug each other and sing togetrher.happy b'day to my beloved sister rahmi. ^__^

love ukhuwah

 every monday i have writing and listening class untill 16.50 pm, after that i have a meeting, and the sad one is i don't have my meal from morning until this afternoon, i really feel hungry. when meeting end, i planned to go home, but i remember one thing that this day is my friend's b'day. i try to make a plane in short time , and i asked my two friends mella and anna to buy a cake and make a surprise for rahmi, shortly we come to her rent house with two new mwmbers rini and azi, what a surprise rahmi, and at that time i realized the power of ukhuwah.
we give hug each other and sing togetrher.happy b'day to my beloved sister rahmi. ^__^

build a new spirit

sunday is very different with last saturday, in saturday i am a couch potato, but in sunday i really kind of busy, i woke up earlier and began to do many things such as, cleaning my room, washing my clothes, and ironing it. after that i take a bath and prepare my self with my stuffs, and than start my step to AULA FIK UNP for SIMPOSIUM , simposium is like a discussion, or panel discussion. i went there at 8 am and come dack to my lovely rent house at 18.30 pm. i enjoy my first simposium.

in ..

today i don't like doing anything, i just wanna lie in my bed (sing)
just like that song i passed this saturday, i don't go anywhere just stay tune on my PC and my lovely bed. doing editing, typing, listening and of course eating, this saturday i am really a couch potato. i don't know why i just lost my spirit to go here and there, i don't attend two agendas at the time.  but i enjoy my saturday and enjoy being a couch potato in a day. ^___^

Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

busy friday

debate class, meeting my uncle in gama, meeting the leader of IPPCP , appointment with my close friend, and preparing for simposium , that is my activity in friday, hohoho very busy, before i thought that i can not face this day, but it is not at all, i passed my friday with a happy ending. especially in my debate class. it was very good and attractive when i can sit in debate class with the intelligent and great student.
i hope i will be better in speaking . ^___^ 

nervous or nervous

to day is my structure and speaking class, I don't prepare my self for everything today, you know i have structure assignment , and each student in structure class must have double folio to keep the quiz score, and i lived everything that I mention before, I really feel afraid and nervous when i am studying structure, and guest what, luckily my lecturer did not ask about everything that i lived in my lovely rent house, i can breath freely for a while when structure class ended. now i try to take a very deep breath to face the next class, "SPEAKING CLASS" the nervous come again and i feel dag dig dug again, you know why because it will be my first performance to speak in front of class for this semester. i just keep on praying and hope my performance will be better than i thought before. luckily when i am standing in front of class the nervousness gone away and i can enjoy speaking in front of my class. when the class end i remember again what i felt in the morning, nervous and feeling afraid just gone.

Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

conflict in FBS UNP

February, 15th 2012  I met leader of fbs, Mr. zaim and his assistant Mr. i. we discuss about the conflict that occur among the student in fbs, the conflict is because of the general election. the conflict is beetwen art student and language student. the candidate from language department filled all of the requirement nor the candidate from the art department but  they blame the PPU to let them join in general election. PPU make the decision that they may not join in general election, they don't received it sportively. you know what? they took their urine and threw it inti the secretariat of PPU AND bpm. this is very unpolite treatment and unmoral. in this case I really hate them who threw their urine to our secretariat. are they still human? is they still a student? no no no , they are IBLIS, 
I hope it will be the last conflict in fbs, I hope I and others friend can invite them to the right way... amiiiiiiiiiiiien ya robbyy